Olevsk Porcelain Factory history dates back to 1909. It was established by Alexander Karant and Mikhel Kushnirsky who earlier leased Barashevsk Porcelain and Faience Factory. The factory was located in Olevsk because of proximity of raw materials and the presence of railway station. The enterprise was named Karant and Kushnirsky Porcelain Factory.
In the beginning there were problems to achieve right production quality. Only in 1912 after improving kilns, production began to improve. Unfortunately, in the same year the factory was damaged by a fire. It was rebuilt in 1913.
Production was seriously limited during WWI and after the October revolution it was nationalized. In 1922 the factory was finally closed.
In 1926 based on the Karant and Kushnirsky's factory assets was formed a new enterprise, Olevsk Porcelain Factory. In the period 1930s - 1960s, the factory produced tableware and porcelain figurines. In 1970s. it was transformed to produce electrotechnical porcelain.