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  • Category: Delfts

Royal Delft year codes

Royal Delft year codes

In this article you will find out how to date De Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles products.

Starting from 1879 all delftware produced by De Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles is marked according to below principles:

royal delft jar mark
- sign of a jar
- stylized initials JT
- name of a city (Delft)

Equally important are other markings. Below the mark on the left are painter's initials and on the right is a year of production code. Full list of year codes is in the table:

 A 1879  AA 1905  BA 1931  CA 1956  DA 1981  EA 2006
 B 1880  AB 1906  BB 1932  CB 1957  DB 1982  EB 2007
 C 1881  AC 1907  BC 1933  CC 1958  DC 1983  EC 2008
 D 1882  AD 1908  BD 1934  CD 1959  DD 1984  ED 2009
 E 1883  AE 1909  BE 1935  CE 1960  DE 1985  EE 2010
 F 1884  AF 1910  BF 1936  CF 1961  DF 1986  EF 2011
 G 1885  AG 1911  BG 1937  CG 1962  DG 1987  EG 2012
 H 1886  AH 1912  BH 1938  CH 1963  DH 1988  EH 2013
 I 1887  AI 1913  BI 1939  CI 1964  DI 1989  EI 2014
 J 1888  AJ 1914  BJ 1940  CJ 1965  DJ 1990  EJ 2015
 K 1889  AK 1915  BK 1941  CK 1966  DK 1991  EK 2016
 L 1890  AL 1916  BL 1942  CL 1967  DL 1992  EL 2017
 M 1891  AM 1917  BM 1943  CM 1968  DM 1993  EM 2018
 N 1892  AN 1918  BN 1944  CN 1969  DN 1994  EN 2019
 O 1893  AO 1919  BO 1945  CO 1970  DO 1995  EO 2020
 P 1894  AP 1920  BP 1946  CP 1971  DP 1996  EP 2021
 Q 1895  AQ 1921  BQ  CQ  DQ  
 R 1896  AR 1922  BR 1947  CR 1972  DR 1997  ER 2022
S 1897  AS 1923  BS 1948  CS 1973  DS 1998  ES 2023
 T 1898  AT 1924  BT 1949  CT 1974  DT 1999  ET 2024
 U 1899  AU 1925  BU 1950  CU 1975  DU 2000  EU 2025
 V 1900  AV 1926  BV 1951  CV 1976  DV 2001  EV 2026
 W 1901  AW 1927  BW 1952  CW 1977  DW 2002  EW 2027
 X 1902  AX 1928  BX 1953  CX 1978  DX 2003  EX 2028
 Y 1903  AY 1929  BY 1954  CY 1979  DY 2004  EY 2029
 Z 1904  AZ 1930  BZ 1955  CZ 1980  DZ 2005  EZ 2030




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