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  • Category: Porcelain

Marie Rie Cramer illustrations plates

Marii Rie Cramer illustrations plates

Two porcelain plates decorated with Marie Rie Cramer children decorations. Marie Rie Cramer was a Dutch writer and children literature illustrator. 

Marie Rie Cramer was born on Java (Dutch East Indies) in 1887. In the age of 9 she moved to Netherlands. She attended Royal Academy of Art in Hague. In 1906 was published a first book with Marie's illustrations titled "Van Meisjes en Jongetjes". She was also creating stage decorations, costumes as well as ceramics. Furthermore, using pseudonym Marc Holman she wrote plays for adults and even poetry, radio auditions and novels. She got married two times and twice divorced.

The most famous Marie Rie Cramer is for her activity as an illustrator. She illustrated fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Andersen's fairy tales and stories from 1001 Nights. She illustrated books for children written by herself as well as editions of Shakespeare's plays.

Her early works had visible art nouveau influences. From 1920s on her style became simplier and less lyrical.

In 1950s. with a few female friends she moved to Spanish Mallorca. 20 years later she came back to Netherlands. Marie Rie Cramer died in 1977.